A book review of Sleep Thieves: An Eye-Opening Exploration Into the Science & Mysteries of Sleep by Stanley Coren
Stars: ***
The Free Press (1996)
304 pages
Summary: Offers new evidence that we are an increasingly sleep-deprived society, showing the dangerous impact of sleep loss on physical and mental health and presenting simple techniques to improve the quality and efficiency of sleep
Sleep Thieves
This will be a short review since the book is outdated and hard to find. However if you find it at a library it might be worth the read. It would be nice if a new version was made.
The book has lots of good information on sleep and specifically “sleep thieves” meaning those things that make us lose sleep. This includes the usual like shift work and caffeine but also includes lesser thought of things. It had some good knowledge in it, it just is outdated like I said. Most of it is still applicable, but it’s missing the effect of smartphones on our culture. That is a BIG sleep thief.
Only recommended at a library