A book review of Who Is Malala Yousafzai? An Unauthorized Biography by Dinah Brown
Stars: ****
WhoHQ (2015)
105 pages
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Summary: Malala Yousafzai was a girl who loved to learn but was told that girls would no longer be allowed to go to school. She wrote a blog that called attention to what was happening in her beautiful corner of Pakistan and realized that words can bring about change. She has continued to speak out for the right of all children to have an education. In 2014 she won the Nobel Peace Prize.
Who is Malala Yousafzai?
This book is part of the Who Is Series of books from WhoHQ. I love these books as they introduce my kids and I to different people in a fun and easy way. There are also Who Was, What Was, What Is, etc books so you can learn about more than just people.
Beware reading this book to younger kids. It doesn’t state in the summary section above something bad that happens to Malala. This is a SPOILER if you don’t know her story but I feel it’s important to know. Malala is shot in the head. While she ends up okay it can be a little scary for some kids. I recommend 10+.
I love this story because not only did she survive a crazy event but more importantly, she fights for education rights and was the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize. It shows girls especially but all kids that even kids can make a difference and be recognized for it. Reading it with my children also showed the ones who don’t like school that it’s a blessing that she is able to do school when so many others cannot or cannot safely.
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