Updated as of January 2025
If you have a question or comment about books or my site, I’d love it if you’d contact me.
Please note I review NONFICTION only. I also do NOT review ebooks. I receive many pitches a day and as such do not have time to respond to requests for fiction or ebooks.
You can get a feel for the type of book I am interested in by looking at the categories of my blog.
Good bets are: juvenile and adult nonfiction, psychology, parenting, pets, memoirs, mental health (especially Bipolar), religion (MOSTLY Christian but occasionally others), mathematics, language and cookbooks. I DO accept books on adult topics.
I am NOT INTERESTED in general spirituality, sports, or travel memoirs.
When you contact me please include the following:
- Title, Author and Description
- Book cover image or link to Amazon or a website that shows it to me.
- Page count and publisher
- If you are looking for a review at a certain time.
Please also note that I usually take a while to review books as I have a backlog of review books sitting in my TBR pile. So if you need a review right away I probably can’t accommodate that.
(If you are pitching a product or service that is not book related, please pitch me through Callista’s Ramblings instead)
You can contact me at smsnfbookreviews@cogeco.ca